December 13, 2013 — March 23, 2014
Galeria Fundação EDP, Porto, Portugal
Group exhibition
Curated by Filipa Oliveira, João Pinharanda and Sérgio Mah

Musa paradisiaca has opened up to new dimensions and ways of thinking in which the hybridity and freedom from the responsibility of the creative act gain a central role through editing (…). An exercise in poeticising the languages (going beyond words) that make up our everyday lives. For the New Artists Prize, they have presented three different works: the film Hunting Scene (the duo’s first); a projection of slides with synchronous sound Souls’ Commission and a series of [pitch] sculptures. All three works can be considered as exercises in translating or staging a (historical, discursive and image-based) notion of the real in new, fictionalised, intuitive, magical and timeless images.

Filipa Oliveira


Collaboration with Raquel Pinto for the exhibition catalogue (pp.77–84), “Souls’ Commision” booklet and “Hunting scene” printed text.

Booklet and prints documentation © Raquel Pinto

Courtesy of EDP Foundation, Lisbon