June 19 — September 21, 2014
CRAC Alsace, Altkirch, France
Group exhibition
Installation with film projection and sculptures
Curated by Filipa Oliveira and Elfi Turpin

A story about two twins who invented a language of their own was what started this exhibition. Poto and Cabengo spoke a gibberish that no one but themselves understood. In 1978, the French film-maker Jean-Pierre Gorin attempted to capture the moment before they lost their language before they were forced to adapt to English (…). The works of the artists erupt as dysfunctional acts in relation to a classic understanding of what language is supposed to be. They do move within the space of language, text and speech, but deal for instance with notions of interpretation, nonsense and invention. Nevertheless, neither Poto & Cabengo nor language itself are the subjects of this project. They become metaphors or are used simply as common work tools.

Elfi Turpin and Filipa Oliveira


Images by Aurélien Mole
Courtesy of CRAC Alsace - Centre Rhénan d'Art Contemporain, Altkirch