October 6 - November 18, 2018
Galeria Municipal do Porto, Porto, Portugal
Solo exhibition
Curated by Sofia Lemos

Multimedia installation composed by video, slide projections and sculptures assembled on reflective stage-like structures, illuminated by coloured lighting. 

Defined by the notion of becoming, the exhibition is built as a constant process of transformation where the possibility of desire, as a subject, is presented independently of the subject who desires. 


Now consider the following statement:

Anythings previous to itself can only exist in becoming.

In Musa paradisiaca, a statement and its denial can both be true at the same time; for A to exist, it has likely been Ab and Abz and will continuously emerge as these and others. In fact, the apparent abstraction between A and not-A allows us to locate those instances in which A invariably slithers towards B or Z, (all A can be B and Z, equally all B and Z can be A). As a consequence, living in prescient awareness and with the afterlives of all that we call past, our present is always-already in the midst of time’s flow, and our identity always differed, drifting, and detouring from statements uttered a priori. In Musa paradisiaca’s cosmogony, syllogisms move erratically, in conversation, in convertion, from A to B and anywhere in between — in this slithering resides the ambiguity, the arbitrariness of that which is transient, the wilfulness and volition of imagining communities otherwise.

Sofia Lemos

Views on Misunderstanding, published in the context of the exhibition.

from Masters of Velocity (2017), presented in a multichannel installation.


Images by Dinis Santos
Courtesy of Galeria Municipal do Porto, Porto